There have been a number of versions of this genealogy but this is my definitive one. It's relevant across the whole of the Platinum Mind and Evigone novels and has been a great source of characters and plots.
This diagram is another case of creating something that doesn't actually appear in the book other than as an aside but I chose to include it here to show where Fadge could have lived if his life had taken a different path.
Arroba first appears in Platinum Mind. I did have a picture of the city from a hotel window but sadly I lost it when the computer it was stored on exploded. This fact sheet has most of the elements I used in the first book along with a few new ideas I had for Sands.
The name 'ochidore' comes from the novel Westward Ho! I based the design on an expanded version of the Picarel.
Anyone familiar with submarines will recognise the silhouette as a Soviet nuclear submarine from the Cold War.