I had a Hamlyn book given to me as a child called Fighting men and their Uniforms by Kenneth Allen that followed the history of warfare from armies of Gustavus Adolphus in 1620 to the end of the First World War. It was full of pictures of different uniforms, hats and other militaria as well as outlines of all the major campaigns. I wanted to recreate some of that, beginning with the uniforms, but soon expanded into swords, medals and symbols. I think I might have gone beyond what was strictly necessary for the book and very few of the details have been used. However, for the student of Evigone, here it all is. When Mrs Pumple opens her pattern book to look at the design of the uniforms for the Green Hussars, it would have looked like the one here. When James Stone earns his sword, it would have been one of those seen below. And when he sees a group of admirals and generals in all of their regalia, their medals would have looked the ones I've drawn.
Of equal importance to the TIA in the book is the TIN - the Tun Imperial Navy. The outward appearance of the cruisers and destroyers was created a long time ago but I refined the details and named all the ships in their navy. I made cross-sections of the fighters but doing the same for the cruisers proved to be more than the computer could cope with and I haven't gone back to finish them yet.