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Notes on the making of the Platinum Mind and Evigone novels

Watch a video introduction here

When my father was young, he was an avid reader of the Eagle comic.  He made scrapbooks of the hand-painted colour cross-sections of the trains, planes and ships they used to produce and showed them to me when I was young.  It's their influence (or, if you like, their fault) that I have filled these pages with cross-sections of my own - inferior in quality perhaps, but created in the same spirit of wanting to know how things work.  Whatever my skills lack in technical ability, I hope people will be informed by them.


The following pages contain many of the diagrams I used to create Panadawn and Evigone.  The great ark of Panadawn came first and I still have the original pencil drawing which the current diagram is based on.   Evigone was very different when I began and has evolved considerably over the years.  Howvever, the current form, as depicted in the maps section, was begun before any of the books were started to provide me with a baseline for the journey of James Stone.  I have arranged the rest of my notes according to which book they were created for, starting with the Platinum Mind series, but some of the ships have been better described in later books so, for instance, the Kyzyl Kum appears in the Karasor section rather than in Platinum Mind (1). 

I have used the original titles of the Platinum Mind series rather the electronic or omnibus versions.  Thus, Platinum Mind (1) is the same as the Journey of James Stone (Books 1-4), Platinum Mind 2.1 Rhyton is Books 4-7, and 2.2 Cromorna is 8-10.

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